Tuesday, March 29, 2005

bad rings

Today I am worried and sad. I was feeling it yesterday, but overnight, it seems to have seeped into every part of me. My hands are heavy, my chest hurts and I couldn’t unwrinkle that space between my brows, even if I decided to try.
You know when they cut a tree down and you can see the rings? And they can tell when it was a good year or a bad year for the tree ? If they cut me in half, they would find alot of bad rings in row.
too many.
some of you may know why.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

i love you femputer

have you ever thought about what a song would be like if written in outline form ? here goes....

  • Things I ain't afraid of:
    • no ghost

  • Strange things in the neighborhood (partial list):
    • seeing things running through head
    • invisible man sleeping in bed

  • Things that make me feel good:
    • bustin'

  • Who you gonna call:
    • Ghostbusters
    • I can't hear you
    • Louder
Yep... that worked well. Try it yourself sometime.

I didnt shower today. I have porn hair today. It's real hard to explian, but you would understand if you saw it.

In other news, im tired. more on that a little later.

Friday, March 18, 2005

This is the diary of Biz-Mark-D

happy day after drunken-fighting-irish day !
here's my story for you. remember back in elementary school when this day would come around and after you got pinched about 19 times for forgetting to wear green, you pointed out the green trim in you back-pack or shoes ? yea ?
well somethings never change. im in denver, totally forgot ... again, but my pants are a very dark green tho !?!?!

im such a loser... anyhoo.

last time i was at jackson's there were a table of nerds - playing Magic the Gathering - btw all of them had an uncanny resembelence to Junior Gorg from Fraggle Rock... anyway, they were playing Magic - while drinking water and silmultaneously pissing off the waitress. tho it was funny - and i was totally jealous - it got me thinking about what passes for 'cool' these days. i guess people who still listen to rock make up about 10 percent of the total record sales. remember when rick springfield sang about 'jesse's girl' ? that was cool. not so much anymore, i suppose. now wearing your 'ironical' t-shirt and trucker hat pretty much sums up who you are. a person can only listen the "The **Blanks**" band of the moment, or use the same family guy or chappelle's show quote so many times. so where do you go from here ? i dunno, lets all watch carson daily and see what he does next. he's always been a good bellewether for the world of the hip.

in other news, i got my ibook today. im in love. completely and totally. im just going to throw the other computers in the garbage, because dealing with them is like dealing with garbage.

for those who care, this is what my boner looks like in computer form: http://img217.exs.cx/img217/7928/ibookg4leftside20045mf.jpg

bobby just downgraded me from duc-master5000 to muc-master1500. i'm saddened by this 3500 point decrease.

off to bed, or as i call it: Funkytown

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Take a deep breath. mark is blogging again. be kind
So, im done with my studies for the night and im waiting to be picked up to go to a hockey game. An amateur hockey game. that i have to pay to see. when i say amateur, i don't mean high school or college hockey. there will be no players with any actual talent. no.... not that kind. i mean players that havent mastered skating yet.
enough of that.
i worked on a girl's computer the other day. way hot. nerd glasses. and her background was the garden state wallpaper. i was floored. how does a hot girl with good taste still exist ? she must have had a penis. we'll find out tomorrow.
my new computer comes in tomorrow. and lucky me, i have class and 6 hours of work to celebrate. hooray !
ummm.... my lent thing is still in tact. no fast food at all. none. proud ?

things im addicted to as of late:
1. reading at city park.
2. cruzin' chicks and suckin' face
3. anything by 'snow patrol'

anyhoo. don't do drugs. stay in school. drink your milk. and get plenty of exercise.

listening to: Jack Johnson 'Sitting, Waiting, Wishing'