Sunday, May 29, 2005

it's a small world

being awake at 7 am on a tuesday bring lots of awesome tv!

so this guy...

you may know him as Mr. Feeny ala Boy Meets World. you think that's his most recognizable part ? incorrect.

that's right.. the voice of KITT (knight incorporated two-thousand)

wanna see how far the rabbit hole goes ? William Daniels was in The Graduate with Dustin Hoffman who was in Sleepers with one MR. ... Kevin Bacon

Friday, May 27, 2005

i've been a slurpee connoisseur since i was 4 or 5 and i've never seen the instructions just below.
in spanish even !

Thursday, May 26, 2005

for my sister

this post is for my sister. she messages me about 15 -28 times a day about never updating my blog. so this is for her. although i dont really have too much time. im on my way to class. it starts in about 40 minutes and i need to shower and get going. finding parking at csu is alot like trying to find curly's gold. ... minus the norman the cow and the ever witty Mr. Billy Crystal.
I have a beef with that movie. lemme backtrack a little bit.

city slickers 1

city slickers 2

who the hell does Jon Lovitz think he is ? what happened to Bruno Kirby ? How can you have a sequel and not explain where bruno went ? a quick check of IMDB shows that CS1 came out in 91 and SC2 in 94. That means CS2 was probably shot in 93-ish. Bruno had no big projects at that time. does he think he's too good to be in a sequel or something? upsetting...

anyway, photoblogs seem to be the wave of the future so that's what will be done. that and maybe an awesome link to go along with it.


i came out and my car had moved across the parking lot to make love to a mustang 2005. i just let them have their space.... crazy kids.

link: umm..... if you havent seen the original star wars because you are afraid of 1970's special effects, enjoy: